Leonie Elena Friedmann

LEONIE ELENA FRIEDMANN CERTIFIED Leo has been practicing yoga with dedication since she moved to Berlin in 2015. Since then, yoga has become her refuge, a place where she can…

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Eva Wendeberg

EVA WENDEBERG CERTIFIED In 2011 Eva Wendeberg started practicing Yoga, as it offered her a good balance to her Geoecology studies at that time, to both relax physically and mentally.…

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Barbara Espirito Santo

BARBARA ESPIRITO SANTO CERTIFIED Bárbara is a Yoga practitioner and teacher who loves to learn and to share.  She has studied with the Federação Portuguesa de Yoga, and completed yoga…

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Erika Hidaka

ERIKA HIDAKA CERTIFIED Erika Hidaka is passionate about life. She was born in São Paulo, and has considered Portugal her home since 2016.  She believes in love and the simplest…

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MANUEL RODRIGUES FOUNDER Manel Rodrigues (Manu) grew up in an enchanted town called Sintra in Portugal. A life style of surfing, sports and nature have marked his young years of…

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