Filipa Brito

Filipa Brito INSPIRED Filipa is a Yoga teacher and Personal trainer.Her path was always related with sports and movement, she started with aerobicsportive gymnastic with 10 years old, that she…

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Filipa Abreu

Filipa Abreu INSPIRED Filipa has a background in architecture but in yoga she found her way, deeply passionate aboutthis constante path which connects her to what she is, here and…

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Cláudia Graça

Cláudia Graça INSPIRED Cláudia is enthusiastic about life, seeing the good in everyone and everything she does, and always eager to learn.She worked in international politics for a few years…

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Ana Perdigão

Ana Perdigão INSPIRED Born in Lisbon, a born dreamer and curious, she has always sought to understand the mysteries of life and why things are the way they are. An…

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Susana Alexandre

Susana Alexandre CERTIFIED Susana is passionate about nature and how it nourishes us everyday. She is an enthusiast for the world of the arts, having studied painting and sculpture, before…

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Sofia Homem

Sofia Homem CERTIFIED Sofia is a licensed Exercise and Health technician with a master's degree from Faculdade Lusófona de Lisboa, specializing in special populations. Over the years, she has graduated…

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Lucas Pinto

Lucas Pinto CERTIFIED In 2019 was the first time I went to the mat to practice yoga. The invitation to turn my attention back to my breath and the way…

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Lena Held

Lena Held CERTIFIED Lena was born and raised in the German countryside. After finishing school she decided on doing something solid with her life and graduated in political science -…

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Catarina Lima

Catarina Lima CERTIFIED After 10 years running her business, Catarina Lima shifted gears to seek true happiness. Even though she had been practicing Yoga since 2012, it was in 2016…

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Ruben ferreira

RUBEN FERREIRA CERTIFIED Nature lover and passionate about all forms of life, he believes in the existence of something superior to us and that nothing happens by chance.He started practicing…

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