Teresa Pinheiro Torres


Teresa, 33 years old, born and raised in Porto, and living in Lisbon since she was 23 years old. She is known as someone who likes to dive deep in different subjects, observant and adventurous – which made her start practicing yoga with 14 years old. Since then, it was a love at first sight: not just in the physical component (trained gymnastics for several years), but also all the philosophy that yoga teaches for daily life.
Her passion for the human body, science and sports, lead her to study Physiotherapy. Currently works at Sport Lisboa e Benfica, where Teresa started in 2013. She was a physio for the individual teams (athletics and judo) and also collective teams (senior men’s volleyball), performing duties in training and games (national and internacional). Now she is the team leader in the senior sports modalities.
Being passionate for high performance, clinical exercise and the practice of yoga (in and out of the mat) she deepened her studies taking the yoga Teacher Training, at Manu Yoga School, in 2022.
Teresa developed a project for athletes, that combines yoga with sports, creating a new tool to improve the players performances, working with athletes of indoor (basketball, handball, hockey, volleyball, futsal, judo) and outdoor (football) sports.

Aulas: shambala quintas as 19h15