Rita Andrade
Rita is known for her adventure and pro active spirit. Since her early age the swimming pool is her first home, as she was for ten years a competition swimmer.
After working for seven years as an accountant and swimming teacher, she travelled for several months when she found yoga. To understand more about the yoga practice and the teachings behind, Rita stop in India for two months where she did the first 200hr Hatha Yoga Teacher Training.
She started teaching yoga but after a while she continuing to feel the need to deepen even more in the knownledges of yoga. She found the Manu School of Yoga where completed her 200hr teacher training. Because Manu’s teachings methods and wisdom ressonate with her, she continued her studies within the school.
Rita is now a Precision and Flow Inspired Teacher and is going through the school certification process.
She´s in passionate about biomechanis and the balance between strength and flexibility.
The share that come between people and community are the core aspects that she values the most. . She lives and teaches yoga as a tool of self-knoledge, awareness and a balanced life.
Arvore dos Bebes (Loures): Monday 12:30pm Wednesday 18:30pm
Estúdio do Bairro (Bélem, Lisboa): Tuesday and Thurday 7:00am; 8:15am; 18:00pm and 19:15pm | Friday 19:00pm | Saturday 9am